Thursday, 18 August 2022
Most of this morning and early afternoon was spent on chores. I performed a Kleen Tank cleaning on our Ollie and Frieda got us caught up on laundry. We also packed up the truck with as much as we could to make tomorrow’s departure for Sioux Falls quick and easy. It was pleasant sunny day in the high 70s — nicer than one would expect this time of year in Iowa.

On our three visits to Iowa this summer, we have been blessed with meeting so many wonderful Americans. First, we spent a week in the Amana area at the Iowa Good Sam rally during our Summer ‘22 Cross Country beginning on Day 16. Then, after heading as far east as Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, we were back on Day 36 for another week, this time in the Eldridge area to camp with some dear Navy friends who both hail from Iowa. If you missed it, please see my most popular post, a tribute to the American farmer from Day 38. And now this week of camping in Kellogg and exploring places like Oskaloosa, Pella and Ames.

Frieda and I enjoy finding speakeasies, a phenomenon that seems to be gaining popularity around the country. I managed to surprise Frieda with one in Ames today despite the fact she knew that’s where we were headed! This one, Cellar 626, is in the back of Cyclone Liquors and you have to do some research to know that’s it’s even there.

Overall, we have a wonderful week in Iowa. Tomorrow we are off to Sioux Falls, South Dakota for a few days.
Here’s one last look at our campground here in Kellogg.
Great reporting and it sounds like a wonderful week. Be well friends.