Thursday, 14 July 2022
Well, an Oliver Legacy Elite II is a bit smaller than Noah’s Ark, but it features many modern amenities and we’ve been blessed with not having to remain inside the entire journey. Overall, our first 40 days and 40 nights have been absolutely amazing!
Today was our last full day here at Scott County Park in Eldridge, Iowa where we’ve been camping with our dear friends, Mark and Deb Deppe.
We started the morning off with a 2.5 mile hike on one of the park’s trails where we were able to get some nice photos of all of us.
After our hike, we headed back to nearby LeClaire for lunch and another visit to Bela to pick up a few more gifts and to meet again with owner Tammy Danielson.
Our first stop was Green Tree Brewery where we intended to get lunch and maybe a beer.
Unfortunately, while there was a 100% chance of getting a beer, there was zero chance of food to go along with it. So we headed to What BBQ & Bar instead. I absolutely love a pulled pork sandwich and this place offered standard (8 oz) and jumbo (12 oz). Giving in to gluttony, I opted for jumbo, which probably should be called ginormous:
I want to tell you that I pushed back after half of it but that would be a lie, and a sin to add to gluttony, which I was very much guilty of today.
After lunch, we headed back to Bela, catching a few more street scenes along the way:
A bit of background on what happened after our visit to Bela on Monday. But first, a note: My intention for Oliver’s Travels is to keep a travel log of our adventures and to help inform prospective owners of an Oliver Travel Trailer. I abandoned Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. because I didn’t want to be constantly subjected to the politics of family and friends. I get enough of that elsewhere. That said, you should be aware that I am also the author of The Patriot Pundit where I feel the Lord is leading me to speak out. Thus the links to my articles there when appropriate. It used to be you got news on the news pages and opinion on the opinion pages. While those days are gone, I’m going to try to keep them separated between Oliver’s Travels and The Patriot Pundit. With this said…
Tammy places a special card in each customer’s bag, which we did not find until we had returned “home” to Ollie. That prompted me to write this post and to also make sure that Tammy saw this post. That led to several back and forth emails about what I had written and a decision to meet up again today for some additional shopping and conversation between the three of us.
In addition to having a wonderful balcony in which to enjoy a delicious beverage and to view the Mississippi, Bela also offers an amazing view of trains! Woo woo!
Thank you, Tammy, for some amazing conversation, for you and Rob’s incredible offer of hospitality, and for coming in on your day off. Frieda and I thoroughly enjoyed our time with you today and very much look forward to meeting with you and Rob on our next visit to Iowa. We also very much want to attend Coram Deo and will ensure that we do so next time. Praise the Lord!
As we prepared to leave LeClaire, we saw this ginormous barge heading south:
And here is a panoramic shot from the same location:
As we headed back to Scott County Park, we stopped by the park office where Mark and Deb got some ice and Frieda took me out to the woodshed because I had been taking far too many pictures today.
We ended Day 40 sharing dinner with Mark and Deb and Deb’s mother Dorothy, who made us some delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies.
See you tomorrow as we head to Eagleville, Missouri.