Monday, 27 June 2022
For fun, I’m going to start us off with a poll. What is this mysterious splatter on the right front of our Ollie:
Results in tomorrow’s post so be sure to vote now!
We woke up today to the most glorious summer day you could imagine. Absolutely crystal clear skies, temps that never rose above about 73 degrees, and a light breeze that lasted all day. It was glorious and we enjoyed having the trailer windows open all day.
Having no reason to hurry-up about anything (retired life is awesome and highly recommended!), we finally left for some lunch and sightseeing a little before 2 pm.
First stop? Ben’s Soft Pretzels about a quarter mile from our campground. There, Frieda and I enjoyed some twisted love.
Bellies filled with lots of decadent pretzel goodness, we went shopping.
At the first store we went to, we found some wonderful made in the US items including these magnets that we put up in our little bathroom to give it some color.
At an amazing Amish furniture store, we saw this digital clock with atomic timekeeping via radio signal, humidity, temperature and even what time zone you are in. We had to have it.
By the way, for readers interested in an Oliver Travel Trailer, that is one of three hooks we have installed in our Oliver Legacy Elite II. Ours only came with one as a standard feature (to the right of the bathroom door) but I had the Oliver Service Department install two more — one to the left of the door and one near the cabin door. Personally, we could not live without all three! You can read about that here.
In the nicest Christian book store we’ve ever been in, we found these two wonderful US-made gems for our little home on wheels:
I failed to get pictures, but we went to a few other stores including Yoder’s Meat Market where we picked up some delicious pulled pork for dinner as well as some bacon and fresh eggs for tomorrow morning. Overall, Shipshewana gets a huge thumbs up for being a wonderful little Amish town populated by some of the nicest people you will ever meet.
Back at our Ollie, we enjoyed that pulled pork and just continued to relax on what was truly a gorgeous day here in Shipshewana, Indiana.

Please be sure to share Oliver’s Travels with anyone you think might enjoy it. Until tomorrow!
Thank you Carolyn and Kim! Keep the comments coming, folks!
Love the additions to your camper. Have a great time!