Saturday, 25 June 2022
It was a dark and stormy night… almost as crazy as that night in Goshen, Indiana on Day 10 but without the power loss or crazy high temps. When I went to take Maddie and Skipper out early in the morning, to my dismay, both pairs of working shoes were filled with about an inch of water!
RVing Lesson #473: Ensure shoes are pushed sufficiently under RV so that rain will not fill them up. (And take a picture for your Substack if this happens.) Doh!
I had a Kleen Tank job scheduled for 8 am but given it was still raining and very windy, I moved it to 10 am just about the time the rain ceased and all the water started evaporating. Think relatively nice temps but swamp-like humidity for the rest of the day.
During my 10 am job, another rally attendee asked about the process and the cost, and then booked an appointment with me.
In between jobs, Frieda brought me over this wonderful sandwich they have a funny name for that of course I can’t remember now.
During a break, I got this picture of one of my first-time customers who had found Kleen Tank’s “secret recipe” for our special holding tank solution and had been religiously using it long for quite some time.

At 5 pm we attended the Iowa Good Sam Rally closing dinner and said farewell to many new friends. We were not sure what to expect here at this rally but Frieda and I can say now that it exceeded all expectations for both Kleen Tank business success but also for all the great people we met.
Tomorrow we are off to Shipshewana, Indiana for three nights as we head east toward Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to visit with Frieda’s dad and my aunt and uncle and cousins.
wonderful sandwich is called a maderight