Sunday, 5 June 2022
After at least 22 years of waiting, Frieda and I are finally in a position to see this grand nation of ours in a travel trailer.
From March 2000 - March 2001, I was a post-graduate student at the Naval War College in Newport, RI. The curriculum consists of three trimesters and if you start in the winter as I did, you have the option of either working or taking two months of leave in June and July. I opted for the two months of leave.
At the time we had a 1998 Ford Explorer XLT and our sons Bill and Brian were 12 and 9 years old. I bought a couple of tents and basic camping gear and we loaded up for a journey that took us as south to Cape Canaveral, west to Eugene, north to Seattle, east again to Mount Rushmore, then back now to Newport. Of course, along the way we saw all the major sites such as the Alamo, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and the Badlands. Frieda and I knew it would be at least 20+ years before we would be able to do it again and we would do it next time in an RV. No more tent camping for us.
Well, today was Day 1 of what we anticipate will be at least 80 days on the road. We left our home in Harriman, Tennessee a little before noon and made our way to the FMCA Campground in Cincinnati. Along the way we had lunch at a rest area in Williamsburg, Kentucky and enjoyed a stop at the new Buc-ee’s in Richmond, Kentucky.