Indispensable RV Accessories
Every RV owner will find these items useful if not absolutely necessary
With significant RV camping experience under our belts, we can confidently state that these accessories are essential for every RVer. If you do not already own each of these, we recommend you purchase them without delay.
My next post on this subject will get into the next-level of accessories that might not be essential, but we sure would not want to live without them. A final post will discuss those truly “nice to have” accessories. Stay tuned!
Electrical Power Adapters
Well-equipped RV parks will have a power pole with 20, 30 and 50 amp outlets to accommodate virtually any RV. But sometimes the outlet your rig is designed for is not available and to get power, you need an adapter for your power cord. Since we own an Oliver Legacy Elite II rated for 30 amp service, I’m going to show you what we use in case a 30 amp outlet is not available. You can then adjust as necessary for your rig.